Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies


Palestra convidada do nosso simpósio: Radiação síncrotron de alta energia na análise de filmes finos.

quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014 10:17

A luz síncrotron de alta energia pode ser uma grande aliada na análise de filmes finos, afirma, na contramão da opinião dominante, o professor Christoph Genzel, coordenador do departamento de Análise de Microestrutura e Tensão Residual no Centro de Pesquisa HZB, na Alemanha. Genzel é um dos palestrantes convidados do Simpósio N "Surface Engineering - functional coatings and modified surfaces", coorganizado por nosso Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies dentro do XIII Encontro da SBPMat (João Pessoa, 28 de setembro a 2 de outubro).

Vejam a divulgação da palestra:

Thin films seen in the light of high energy synchrotron radiation: stress and microstructure analysis using energy-dispersive diffraction.

Our invited speaker Professor Christoph Genzel is head of the Department of Microstructure and Residual Stress Analysis at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), in Germany. At HZB he is also the deputy head of the Institute of Applied Materials, where he coordinates a group of diffraction and scattering. Besides, Genzel is Associate Professor at the Technische Universität Berlin.

In our symposium "Surface Engineering - functional coatings and modified surfaces", Professor Genzel is going to present his talk about stress and microstructure analysis of thin films using energy-dispersive diffraction. Genzel will demonstrate that (contrary to a widespread opinion) high energy synchrotron radiation and thin film analysis may "fit together". Genzel will share with our audience the corresponding experiments he performed on the materials science beamline EDDI at BESSY II, which is one of the very few instruments worldwide that is especially dedicated to energy-dispersive diffraction.

At Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Professor Genzel completed his Diploma thesis in crystallography (X-ray diffraction), his Doctoral thesis in X-ray topography (1984) and his habilitation in X-ray residual stress analysis. He has large professional experience on diffraction methods using high energy synchrotron X-rays, neutrons and laboratory X-rays; depth-resolved analysis of residual stress, microstructure and texture by angle and energy-dispersive diffraction, and in-situ analysis of stress and microstructure evolution under service conditions.

Fonte: Gerência de Comunicação do Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies

Palavras-chave: 2014, engenharia de superfície, engenharia de superfícies, filmes finos, genzel, luz síncrotron, simpósio, xiii encontro da sbpmat


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