Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies


Palestra convidada do nosso simpósio: Prof. Muratore (University of Dayton) falará sobre filmes de dissulfeto de molibdênio.

segunda-feira, 19 de maio de 2014 11:30

Prof. Chirstopher Muratore

Prof. Chirstopher Muratore

O dissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2), material bidimensional lubrificante, será o tema de uma das palestras convidadas do Simpósio N "Surface Engineering - functional coatings and modified surfaces", evento coorganizado por nosso Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies dentro do XIII Encontro da SBPMat (João Pessoa, 28 de setembro a 2 de outubro).

O palestrante será Christopher Muratore, professor do departamento de Química e Engenharia de Materiais da Universidade de Dayton (EUA).

Segue a divulgação da palestra:

Mechanical, thermal, and electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenides.

Our invited speaker Christopher Muratore is the "Wright Brothers Institute Endowed Chair Professor" at University of Dayton, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering (USA). He holds a BSc in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (1999) and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering (2002), both from Colorado School of Mines (USA). In the past, he worked for the Air Force Research Laboratory and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Naval Research Laboratory. The papers he authored or co-authored have more than 1.090 citations.

In the American Vacuum Society (AVS), Muratore has held executive positions and coordinated meetings and projects. He has carried out editorial activities as a guest editor for Thin Solid Films and Surface and Coatings Technology. He was honored by Air Force Research Laboratory (Cleary Award Finalist, 2010), the American Vacuum Society (Bunshah Award, 2003), and the McQuiston Fellowship (2001).

In our symposium "Surface Engineering - functional coatings and modified surfaces", Professor Muratore is going to talk about mechanical, thermal, and electronic properties of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD), such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). These remarkable two-dimensional layered semiconductor materials are ubiquitous space lubricants and have many other unique characteristics. During his talk, Muratore is going to present a demonstration of TMD thin films growth on diverse substrates by novel vapor phase techniques, in particular an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) physical vapor deposition (PVD) process. Muratore will also share with our audience the excellent properties of the obtained TMD films, grown up to several square centimeters, as well as his investigations relating to the application of these materials in thermoelectric devices.

Fonte: Gerência de Comunicação do Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Superfícies

Palavras-chave: 2014, dissulfeto de molibdênio, engenharia de superfície, engenharia de superfícies, filmes finos, muratore, simpósio N, UHV PVD


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